Testing Your Thoughts

·         What is the situation?____________________________________________________________


·         What am I thinking or imagining?___________________________________________________


·         How much do I believe it?       A little       medium         a lot                (rate 0-100:__________)


·         How does that thought make me feel?    Mad      sad    nervous      other___________________


·         How strong is the feeling?      A little strong       medium        very strong    (rate 0-100:_________)


·         What makes me think the thought is true?____________________________________________


·         What makes me think the thought is not true or not completely true?______________________



·         What’s another way to look at this?_________________________________________________


·         What’s the worst that could happen?  Would I still live through it?________________________



·         What’s the best that could happen?_________________________________________________


·         What will probably happen?_______________________________________________________


·         What will happen if I keep telling myself the same thoughts?_____________________________


·         What could happen if I changed my thinking about this?_________________________________


·         What could I tell my friend if this happened to him or her?_______________________________


·         What should I do for myself now (positive coping skills)?________________________________


·         How much do I believe the negative thought now?    Alittle     Medium      A lot     (rate 0-100___)


·         How strong is my negative feeling now?   A little strong     Medium    Very strong  (rate 0-100___)


Adopted by Beck (1996)