All things can change
Nothing is tame
It�s only our hope that remains the same
We�re blinded by too many florescent lights
And not enough natural sky
We will die and rebirth will sing
And down on the plia is where I grew my wings
And burned the man to celebrate
To take back the land and recreate
A post-modern freakish clan
And all of us our different in a peaceful land
When all of us our peaceful in a different land
Gather up your sisters and your brothers too
We�re destined to make a freak out of you
Mix the math camp, the pirates, the artists and the trampolines
Into a rare display of society gone crazy with generosity
[mix the swings, the sculptures, naked communal neighborhoods
into a rare display of culture gone crazy with spreading kindness and good]
There is a flavor for you�
Laser beams accelerate
At lightening speeds
While the earth unfolds my creativity
Forget the greed help the hungry
The people in need and the lonely
To bring about a little bit of acceptance
So we burn the man to celebrate
To take back the land to recreate
A postmodern freakish clan
And all of us our different in a peaceful land